Expand description

This binary crate provides a unix-style commandline application for integrating the DeepL API into toolchains without any programming effort.

If you are looking for the deepl-api library crate, please refer to its documentation instead.


You need to have a valid DeepL Pro Developer account with an associated API key. This key must be made available to the application, e. g. via environment variable:




To get an overview of the available commands, just invoke the program.

shell> deepl
deepl 0.1.0
Command line client for the DeepL API

    deepl <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    help                 Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    languages            Fetch list of available source and target languages
    translate            A subcommand for controlling testing
    usage-information    Fetch information about account usage & limits

You can call deepl help translate to get a detailed reference for the various options of the translate command, for example.

Translating Text

By default, deepl reads from STDIN and writes to STDOUT, which means that you can integrate it nicely into toolchains.

shell> echo "Please go home." | deepl translate --source-language EN --target-language DE | cat -
Bitte gehen Sie nach Hause.

By providing the options --input-file and / or --output-file, you can tell deepl to read from / write to files, rather than STDIN / STDOUT.

Retrieving Account Usage & Limits

shell> deepl usage-information
Available characters per billing period: 250000
Characters already translated in the current billing period: 3317

Retrieving Available Languages

shell> deepl languages
DeepL can translate from the following source languages:
  DE    (German)
  EN    (English)
  ES    (Spanish)

DeepL can translate to the following target languages:
  DE    (German)
  EN-GB (English (British))
  EN-US (English (American))
  ES    (Spanish)



languages 🔒
main 🔒
translate 🔒