class DeeplAPI::DeepL

The main API entry point representing a DeepL developer account with an associated API key.

Use this to create a new DeepL API client instance where multiple function calls can be performed. A valid api_key is required.

Should you ever need to use more than one DeepL account in our program, then you can create one instance for each account / API key.

Error Handling

These methods may throw exceptions from DeeplAPI::Errors and Net::HTTP.

Public Class Methods

new(api_key:) click to toggle source

Create an instance by providing a valid API key.

# File lib/deepl_api.rb, line 55
def initialize(api_key:)
  @api_key = api_key.to_s
  @api_base_url = @api_key[-3, 3].eql?(":fx") ? "" : ""
  return unless @api_key.empty?

  raise DeeplAPI::Errors::DeeplAuthorizationError, "No API key provided."

Public Instance Methods

source_languages() click to toggle source

Retrieve all currently available source languages.

See also the vendor documentation.

Returns a dictionary like: {"DE" => "German", ...}

# File lib/deepl_api.rb, line 82
def source_languages
  languages(type: "source")
target_languages() click to toggle source

Retrieve all currently available target languages.

See also the vendor documentation.

Returns a dictionary like: {"DE" => "German", ...}

# File lib/deepl_api.rb, line 91
def target_languages
  languages(type: "target")
translate( source_language: nil, target_language:, split_sentences: nil, preserve_formatting: true, formality: Formality::DEFAULT, texts: ) click to toggle source

Translate one or more text chunks at once. You can pass in optional translation options if you need non-default behaviour.

Please see the parameter documentation and the vendor documentation for details.

Returns a list of dictionaries for the translated content:

    "detected_source_language" => "DE",
    "text" => "Yes. No.",
# File lib/deepl_api.rb, line 114
def translate(
  source_language: nil,
  split_sentences: nil,
  preserve_formatting: true,
  formality: Formality::DEFAULT,
  # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists, Style/KeywordParametersOrder

  payload = {
    target_lang: target_language,
    text: texts

  payload[:source_lang] = source_language unless source_language.nil?
  payload[:split_sentences] = split_sentences unless split_sentences.nil?
  payload[:preserve_formatting] = preserve_formatting unless preserve_formatting.nil?
  payload[:formality] = formality unless formality.nil?

  data = api_call(url: "/translate", payload: payload)

  raise DeeplAPI::Errors::DeeplDeserializationError unless data.include?("translations")

usage_information() click to toggle source

Retrieve information about API usage & limits. This can also be used to verify an API key without consuming translation contingent.

Returns a DeeplAPI::UsageInformation object.

See also the vendor documentation.

# File lib/deepl_api.rb, line 69
def usage_information
  data = api_call(url: "/usage")
    character_count: data["character_count"],
    character_limit: data["character_limit"]